How can I ensure my project is inclusive and accessible?
Understand the hierarchy that exists in regards to accessibility legislation.
Client requirements (specific project brief)
Federal (including Disability Discrimination act)
State (Including NCC, BCA nominally parts D3, E3.6 and F2.4)
Council (DA provisions)
Tips for accessible design
Engage early with design team and stakeholders to ensure a compliant path of travel can be provided to/ from the property boundary.
Stairs/ ramps must be set back, so that handrails will not protrude into the traverse path of travel.
Include margin for error when documenting ramp/ walkway design.
Door design should incorporate 920 mm door leaf, door circulation space.
Ensure the Statutory Signage requirements are met (BCA Part & Specification D3.6 & AS 1428.1 Clause 8)
Key design elements – Class 2 building
Pedestrian access is required from the property boundary to the building entries
Typically there is no requirement to provide accessible parking
Access is required to and within common areas (rooftop terrace, refuse disposal)
Access is required to the front door of apartments on levels served by a lift or ramp
Minimum corridor width of 1540 mm preferred
850 mm door opening & 30% luminance contrast between door / wall elements.