Worried that the increased scrutiny of re roofing works might result in fines if you don’t meet your legal obligations?
AT BA&A we support the roofing industry leaders to get their approvals right.
1. Be in the know- read QBCC’s reminder - building approval is required when re roofing works affect over 20% of the roof system.
2. Take note of the age of the house during initial site measure up. This will help when you speak to the engineer about the drawings for the site.
3. Include tie down details on the plans sent to the certifier. These plans form the basis of the approval application which gets lodged with Council.
4. Maintain a good working relationship with the engineer - when in doubt, ask!
5. Support homeowners and clients – provide additional information about the certification process and consider an itemised quote to cover potential costs/ inspection fees.
BA&A brochure is online for your use with clients - please get in touch on 32654114 or info@buildingaaa.com.au for a front desk set.