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Industry professionals: how to get your patio, shed and carport approvals (Class 10a structures) delivered first time, on time

🗸 Tips for the quickest turnarounds

🗸 Support to schedule your projects.

Get started quickly

  1. When you submit the signed engagement form and project details via the online form, the administrative processes will commence and you will be sent the invoice.

2. Then once the detailed plans, required engineering and all documentation is received, allow roughly 5 - 10 working days. This gives BA&A time to communicate with Council and complete searches.

Copyright BA&A
Typical workflow: carport/ patio/ shed certification ©️BA&A


When the decision notice is issued, building work can begin.

Final Inspection

Allow 48 hours for booking. Generally, reports are issued within 3 - 5 working days. Once any outstanding pictures/ documents are received, the F21 is issued ASAP, usually within 5 days.

Streamlined Service

Speak to BA&A early / provide detail at engagement... so you know specific timeline/ project requirements.

  • Let BA&A know if you need additional applications facilitated eg Town Planning, Build Over Asset (BOA), siting variation (relax).

  • Indicate on engagement form the party responsible for final inspection bookings. We’ll streamline end of project communication accordingly.

  • Flag unique project contexts eg:

    - Certain work may trigger additional inspection/ engineering requirements - A shed that includes mezzanine level may require a statutory declaration

Shed dimensions for residential certification

1. Clarify scope of work upon engagement

Note the use of the building ( record in the request for certification email/ as a note in online engagement form).

  • For sheds - maximum 150m2 and maximum height 4.0m.

  • BA&A specialises in domestic / residential – Class 10a

BA&A approved stamp plans

2. Provide clear plans

  • Show distance to the wall and Outer Most Projection (OMP) to the boundary

  • Identify any sewers, stormwater/ water assets and easements

  • Detail structure size clearly eg 6m x 6m

  • Provide elevations of the structure – for example, include height of shed to the apex and the wall

3. Send site specific engineering (includes elevations, layouts) and Form 15 as soon as possible.

engineering information

4. Provide QBCC confirmation of insurance as soon as its available.

QBCC builders insurance

5. Once building work is complete, let BA&A know. The final inspection can be arranged.

Drainage plan icon

Roof water – downpipes must be connected to legal point of discharge at time of final inspection. Eg kerb and channel, inter - allotment drainage or in some instances a rubble pit.

This position and manner of discharge of the stormwater drainage system must be to the satisfaction of the appropriate authority. NCC 2022 3.3.5


For further clarification, to engage new projects or book final inspections...


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